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Classification and storage of cardboard

Paper bag products processing plant general classification of cardboard

1, gray-white paperboard, also known as book cover cardboard, is the national industry standard specified as a book cover cardboard. From the late 1970s began to apply to the book shell production, the effect is good, has been in use ever since.

2, yellow cardboard is a smoke brown, smooth surface, hard texture, toughness of the larger cardboard, commonly used in footwear, box and so on. Binding is mainly used for book outside the envelope and part of the book shell production. The use of yellow cardboard made of the outer envelope is not easy to wear durable, and can protect books, improve the grade of books. Because of its high tightness, the thickness of the error is small, but also conducive to master the pressure of hot stamping. There are two types of outer envelopes made with yellow cardboard: one is to use yellow cardboard indentation die cut directly after the paste into the envelope; the other is made after the envelope in the surface of a layer of paper or fabric soft Material, used to decorate the appearance of the envelope.

3, cardboard, also known as horse manure cardboard, the surface rough, yellow, the main raw material is straw fiber. Cardboard is one of the earlier use of binding cardboard, is also a wider use of a cardboard. The thickness of the cardboard is generally 0.7mm, after mounting can increase the thickness. This cardboard tightness is low, elongation is large, toughness is poor, the surface moisture absorption and penetration ability, after the glue due to water penetration easy to warp deformation, but its low price, for processing low-grade book shell use.

Paper bag storage conditions and storage methods for paperboard products

1, the purchase of cardboard to understand the date of production, the factory time is short and made by cold pressing method, can not be used immediately, to store for some time and then use. Because the new cardboard is generally more flexible and poor flexibility, after a reasonable period of storage, can reduce the cardboard toughness, flexibility, flat clothing neat easy processing.

2, cardboard should be stored in a well ventilated warehouse or studio, temperature and humidity should be appropriate. Cardboard can not be damp, so as to avoid deformation or aging separation; can not be placed in the open air, because the cardboard itself to maintain its internal reasonable moisture, if the cardboard long-term by the sun, heating baking, etc., will make the normal water evaporation, , The strength is reduced, resulting in surface warping, resulting in unnecessary losses.

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  • Dongguan Junlin Paper Co.,Ltd.
  • Contact:Miss HeMobile:13712162591
  • Tel:0769-83189676 / 83206771Fax:0769-83191709 / 83206773
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  • QQ:441794716 E-mail:fiduyang@163.com
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  • Address:No.288,Shengping road,Yangwu village Dalang town,Dongguan,Guangdong